FYI... the Department of Transportation has put a new stop sign up between the school and the Church of Christ. Anyone coming from downtown to the school must stop. The only traffic that does not stop is the traffic on 31A highway coming from the East. It is now a three-way stop and it is not marked very well so please be careful.
about 5 years ago, Tracy Blasengame
Feb 10th LiL Stingers Basketball PK-2nd @ Calvin 5:00 Calvin K vs Stuart PK/K 5:25 Calvin K vs Moss K 5:50 Moss K vs Stuart PK/K 6:15 Calvin 1/2 Girls vs Stuart 1/2 Girls 6:40 Calvin 1/2 Girls vs Moss 1/2 Girls 7:05 Moss 1/2 Girls vs Stuart 1/2 Girls 7:30 Calvin 1/2 Boys vs Moss 1/2 Boys 7:55 Moss 1/2 Boys vs Stuart 1/2 Boys 8:20 Calvin 1/2 Boys vs Stuart 1/2 Boys
about 5 years ago, Cynthia Myskey
Good morning and I hope you all had a great weekend! This message is to ask for your help. In order to maintain safety, we ask that you not pass in front of the school when loading or unloading students, nor park for periods of time under our awning. Thank you for your part in helping to keep our students safe.
about 5 years ago, Tracy Blasengame
PEC testing for the Junior class will be 2/25/2020 at 1:15 in Mrs. Clark's classroom.
about 5 years ago, Cynthia Myskey
Just a reminder that the basketball playoff t-shirt orders are due by noon today. If you wish to order and can't stop by, we are able to take credit card orders by phone. Thank you.
about 5 years ago, Tracy Blasengame
With all of The Weather Channels calling for ice and snow tomorrow, we are canceling school tomorrow. We will keep you informed about Thursday.
about 5 years ago, Tracy Blasengame
Special Olympics Basketball Games. 2/12/2020 in Idabel OK Buses leave @ 7:45 a.m.
about 5 years ago, Cynthia Myskey
There will be NO JH Ballgame tomorrow 01/21/2020. It has been CANCELED!
about 5 years ago, Cynthia Myskey
The Special Olympics Team will be going to Norman to compete in the State Finals on Thursday 01/09/2020. They will be leaving that day @ 2 p.m. and will be returning the evening of the 11th. GO HORNETS !!!
about 5 years ago, Cynthia Myskey
Just sending out a heartfelt thank you to all the parents, family and community members who came out to support our kids in their Christmas program tonight! Our students did an excellent job! We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!
about 5 years ago, Tracy Blasengame
If you are interested in ordering Stuart Hornet gear we have listed a link where you can go to purchase some things. This is NOT a fundraiser, nor is the school profiting off of this at all but we wanted to let you know this option is available:
about 5 years ago, Cynthia Myskey
The book fair will end tomorrow, Friday December 13th. It's not too late to get last minute Christmas books for your children. We would also like to say thank you to those who have participated this far!
about 5 years ago, Tracy Blasengame
Just a reminder that our high school boys will play first in tonight's games as Butner is having homecoming. Game time is 6:30 at Butner.
about 5 years ago, Tracy Blasengame
Just a reminder that tomorrow will be the last day for the book fair in the library. It will be open from 7:30 to Noon, 12/13/2019.
about 5 years ago, Cynthia Myskey
The Book Fair is Here!! It will be set up in the Library all week. ! Monday- Thursday 7:30-3:00 Friday 7:30-12:00
about 5 years ago, Cynthia Myskey
Tomorrow's games at Calvin will begin at 12:45 p.m. with the third and fourth grade girls game. The third and fourth grade teams will return to school and ride the bus home in the afternoon. The 5th and 6th grade teams will begin around 2:30 p.m. and will return to school around 3:30pm. The 7th and 8th grade play at 4pm and their bus will return Monday evening around 6pm.
about 5 years ago, Tracy Blasengame
Notice to students who participated in Mrs. Lindley's Dance Camp, the game they were scheduled to perform at tomorrow night, December 3rd has been moved to December 19th. So they will perform their dance on December 19th at half time of the boys game. We will still have Dance Camp as scheduled to day after school. Sorry for any inconvenience.
about 5 years ago, Cynthia Myskey
REMINDER: Thanksgiving Break begins tomorrow, 11/22/19. We will NOT be in school tomorrow, 11/22/19. We will be returning on 12/2/19! We hope everyone has a Wonderful Thanksgiving Break!!!!
about 5 years ago, Cynthia Myskey
Moss School has canceled the Elementary games ( 3rd-6th grades) scheduled with us for 11/20/2019. We have picked up Dewar to play us that day but it is ONLY for the 5th & 6th grades. Games will start at 10 a.m. on 11/20/2019.
over 5 years ago, Cynthia Myskey
Kindergarten RADA fundraiser order forms are due tomorrow November 12th.
over 5 years ago, Stacy Walling